Ask anyone, anyone that knows me on a personal level and they would’ve told you hands down, no questions asked without even blinking that I, Nichollette, of all people would be the absolute last person on earth to even think about having any kind of a journey into Motherhood. Ever since, I can remember, I NEVER EVER EVER wanted to be a mother. I would say an adamant, “NO,” before they could even finish asking. 

So how did a woman who was so militant and sure of NEVER wanting to be a mother for twenty years go from that to freebirthing her daughter as a first time mama at home in the water, with no medical providers present, no medical complications, no hemorrhaging, no tearing, no issues whatsoever, no painful contractions and exclusively breastfeeding her now 28 month old daughter and wanting two more girls? Yes, girls, they will be girls. Allah and I have already had an in-depth conversation about it. It is confirmed ;-)

Knowledge + Wisdom + Action. 

Just like you, I let the narrative told in the movies, on pamphlets, at the doctor's office and even by our family members drastically influence my decision. I fed into the idea that pregnancy was just flat out uncomfortable, exhausting and overwhelmingly long. I thought birth was filled with pain, discomfort and just all out agony for hours and sometimes days on end where your only escape was some drug that had to be administered through this extra long needle at the base of my spine. Even then, it might not work if I don’t get it early enough. Then even if I do, it still may not work. Then once the baby “gets here.” I could forget about restful nights. That I would be up all night for months having to make these never ending bottles filled with a powdery substance known as formula constantly testing its warmth with little drops on the back of my hand. Yeah that one. You know you’ve seen that image of the tired mama in the darkness, holding her baby in one arm, leg cocked up trying to douse a drop of formula on her hand. All of that is enough to make any woman either never want to have children like I once was or say I want all the drugs. 

As I got older, something deep down inside of me said there was another way. This wasn’t how it was intended to ever go. That it was time to honor the calling over my life. The calling of Motherhood. Call it my biological clock, if you will. But I know it was much more, more sacred. It was as if my Spirit was reminding me of what I came here to do. It was from that point that I put on my scholar held and pulled out my singing bowl. 

I armed myself with all the knowledge concerning pregnancy, birth, postpartum healing and breastfeeding. But I didn’t just read book after book or get certification after certification. I sat with knowledge. I prayed over it. I meditated over it and allowed my intuition to guide me and help me filter through it. I didn’t stop there. I then applied it. 

I planned out my prenatal nourishment like Indiana Jones finding his treasure. I prepared for my birth the moment I found out I was with child. I secured every herb, practiced every technique and purchased any device I would need to ensure that my breastfeeding journey would last until my Daughter and I were ready to end it. 

Here we are, still going strong two years later. It has been quite the journey. But my story isn’t filled with adjectives like hard, painful, agonizing, long, exhausting or tiresome. Rather my journey has been rewarding, empowering, strengthening, energizing filled with so much joy, laughter, timeless moments and LOVE. I want the same for you.