Who Am I?

just a southern belle trying to find her way…nah i’m just kidding.


my name is nichollette jones and i am your naturealness doula, yoga guide and wellness collaborator. i was born and raised all over but have roots that begin in fort worth, texas. i’m a thirty somethin’ year old woman living in dallas with her little Starseed of a daughter.

when i was fourteen, i had the fortunate opportunity to take my first trip outside of the united states and by mySelf no less to australia for an entire month. it completely changed the trajectory of my life and outlook on life and the people in it. from that point forward i thirsted for knowledge and culture, both within and outside of my own. i am a pronounced lifelong scholar and am always reading, studying, learning and getting certified in something to further my library of knowledge.  so rest assured if i give you any information it has been verified ten times over.

i love all people. all shapes, sizes, colors, background, cultures, lifestyles, diets, you name it.

from middle school onwards, i had the dream of becoming an ob/gyn. i have always and still to do this am bamboozled by the miracle that is birth. i wanted to make that my life. but if you know anyone who has attended baylor university than you know that science isn’t for the faint of heart. organic chemistry kicked my tail. that coupled with my twentieth birthday caused me to truly question what i was doing and what i wanted out of life.

for the first time, i realized that medical school was not for me. i wanted to have time to explore the world and possibly have a family before i was too old and gray to move around with my children. now for those who know me intimately would be surprise at this dream as i have been saying since i was almost twelve that i never wanted to get married and i definitely never wanted to have children. but for some reason during this little crisis of mines, i still wanted to have the possibility just in case i changed my mind…which i did and i’m all the happier for it.

because if i didn’t, i would still be in medical school right now.

life after baylor was amazing. i truly discovered mySelf and who i wanted to be. i had the chance to travel all around the world solo dolo serving in a variety of capacities, but it is the one in education that has brought me to where i’m at now.

i had the chance to teach at the king’s school of thailand for a year right after graduation. it was the most fun i’ve had on any job. i carried that spirit with me and have been teaching for almost eight years ever since and will never stop.

i knew that educating and serving is my purpose. i just didn’t know who i was to be serving. but God knew and sparked a fire in me that has yet to be kindled…until now.

in the summer of 2016, i made what many educators would call death in our field and decided not to return to my first campus in july; one month before school was supposed to start. i knew in my spirit that i needed to leave that it was no longer the space for me. i wasn’t sure where i needed to go but i knew i couldn’t stay there. so i resigned with no idea what i would do next or where i would get money from.

i needed something more aligned with my passion, more aligned with the feminine.

two months later, i stumbled upon the first ever public all girls school in texas and was hired.

i fell even deeper into my purpose, into my divine calling.

flash forward four years and i fell even deeper. obtaining my certifications in yoga and birth work and working on my prenatal yoga certification.

then flash forward a year and i fell even deeper freebirthing my Daughter at home in the water and this can only get stronger and deeper with time…


Reflections on 2024


Importance Of Self Care